
XM7 Rifle - two skins

XM7 Rifle - two skins

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XM7 rifle
is a 3D object designed for AAA quality games. It has been created using Zbrush, Blender, and Substance Painter. Blender was used for retopology and base meshes, Substance Painter for texturing, and Zbrush for high poly.


  • All necessary textures are included (thickness, AO, etc.).
  • It is set up with materials.
  • Included Unity folding animation


  • Rifle - 53462 triangles - it is quite heavy but very detailed
  • Two materials for standard version and +1 more for Purple skin

Import poiyomi 8.1 or newer ( or set up PBR maps with shader of your choice) and import Unity package.
Set up animation if needed
Scale as needed
4k textures are included by default, but it is recommended to use 1k or max 2k on avatars.


By downloading this item, you agree to adhere to and follow the terms of service. You are buying a license to use this item.

This item is sold as C# script and 3d art associated as whole package

Personal License:

By downloading this item you agree to adhere to and follow the terms of service.

Under no circumstances can the item be used for profit. This includes but is not limited to commissionary use, video, art, and 3D printed products.

Under no circumstances can this item be used for public avatar worlds in VRChat or any virtual reality game that includes the option for public avatar worlds.

Under no circumstances may you sell derivative work of this item. This includes recolours, part swapping, and full outfits and bases.

Under no circumstances may you redistribute this item.

Under no circumstances are you to port it onto any game that you plan to profit from.

Failure to adhere to terms of service will result in fines and legal action. You may be asked to cease and removal as well.

Licensee shall not use the Licensed Materials for any purpose other than for personal use, including without limitation, the use of the Licensed Materials in connection with artificial intelligence or machine learning applications, algorithms, or models without the express written permission of the Licensor. Licensee shall not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Licensed Materials, nor shall Licensee allow any third-party to do so.

Commercial License:

By downloading this item you agree to adhere to and follow the terms of service.

You have purchased a commercial license, and as such you have permission to use this prop for public avatars, and to resell this prop as part of finished avatars.

Under no circumstances may you redistribute this item as a standalone, even if edited 99.9%.

You may make edits to the base and textures.

You cannot use it on free avatars/nitro avatars and similar.

You have to ensure that your customers do not have any right to make any edits on base mesh/textures/UVs; they need to purchase the prop first. You have to make it very clear in the description of your store/avatar.

Your customer cannot use this prop to create any other avatars; they need to buy it first here.

This prop has to be credited in the main description (not in external link/txt) of sold avatar which use this prop, with a link to this Gumroad page.

It would be awesome if you can credit me on social media while showcasing the avatar.

To make it 100% clear: If you edit this prop 99.9%, I still retain all the rights to this creation, and all above rules still apply.

Licensee shall not use the Licensed Materials for any purpose other than for commercial use, including without limitation, the use of the Licensed Materials in connection with artificial intelligence or machine learning applications, algorithms, or models without the express written permission of the Licensor. Licensee shall not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Licensed Materials, nor shall Licensee allow any third-party to do so.

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